How CenterPoint Connect Can Improve Your Roofing Business

How Centerpoint Connect Can Improve Your Roofing Business

How Centerpoint Connect can Improve Your Roofing Business - The Ultimate Roofing CRM

Centerpoint Connect Logo

As defined on their website, “Centerpoint Connect is a web-based roofing software application that reaches across all devices to form a fully connected system. Streamline your entire workflow using its construction project management-based software. From the office to the field, Centerpoint Connect delivers a complete front-end solution for roofing contractors.”

The Impact Centerpoint Connect Software Has On The Roofing Industry

Centerpoint’s overall goal is for its users to perform business “YOUR WAY.” The founder, Will Riley, wanted to build something unlike anything on the market. This idea was derived from an extensive career within the industry and experiencing its proven best practices. This legacy platform has helped manage numerous company projects, clients, and employees to drive success for over a decade. 

So... What Else Can Centerpoint Connect Software Do?

Centerpoint Connect is an effective CRM system, currently roofing industry-specific, that helps improve operational efficiency, customer service, and even marketing strategies; onsite and offsite in real-time. Centerpoint Connect Roofing Software’s main appeal is its web-based CRM (Customer Relationship Management) application. It has been designed specifically for roofing contractors wanting a simple interface with the ability to access all the necessary information in just a few steps. The process of managing and organizing employee AND customer data can be time-consuming, especially if you have a variety of prospects and clients. This is where Centerpoint Connect’s expansive toolset comes in…

All Capabilities include:

  • Sales Management – Lead tracking, inspections, roof reports
  • Service Management – Leak calls, check-in/out workflows, before & after photos
  • Production Management – Large project tracking/scheduling, change orders
  • Client Portal – Customer-level access to photos, tracking, and reporting as listed above
  • CRM – Customer Portfolios, Estimates/Proposals, Employee Tasks, Start-to-Finish lead flow
Centerpoint Connect Apps

How to Get Started with an Implementation Plan

An implementation plan is essential for any project or task, but it is especially important when introducing new technology such as Centerpoint Connect. A well-thought-out implementation plan can help you avoid common pitfalls and get the most out of your roofing business’ CRM.

A good place to start is by identifying the exact problem that you are trying to solve. If you want to increase efficiency or reduce costs, then identify what needs improvement and why. For example, are your technicians not taking proper progress photos? How about inconsistent time clock entries? These are real problems that can affect any roofing company.

Next, you need to figure out how much time and resources are needed for the implementation process. You should also consider what your current workloads are like so that you can make an accurate estimation for timing. If you have a lot of work already, then it’s likely that your implementation won’t happen as quickly or in the same manner as it would for someone who was new to the industry.

With ORB Solution’s partnership with Centerpoint, it’s never been easier to get connected. We have exclusive unique content and expanded training material to get started more effectively!

The Ultimate Takeaway - "How Do I Work This Thing?"

From the office to the field, CenterPoint Connect provides an end-to-end business solution that reaches across all devices to form a fully connected digital ecosystem. 

Digital Ecosystem…? What about a crisp notepad and a smooth writing pen? It can be argued that this classic combo is much more accessible while performing your daily tasks. Plus, why do we keep constantly implementing the latest tools, technologies, and automation anyways? Simple… impress your customers, improve efficiency and dominate your competition. 

As humans, technology is changing everything, including our expectations and the way we do business.

Have no fear ORB Solutions is here! ORB solves the hard problems for construction-based businesses with technology, marketing, scaling, and training so you can get back to business as usual. 


Learn the SECRETS and STEPS we employ to successfully market for our clients. Are you not sure where to start with your marketing? Feeling overwhelmed? Sign up below and we will send you our complete guide to the ORB Solutions Blueprint for Success, 


About ORB

Starting in 2018, ORB Solutions is a technology agency by contractors, for contractors. We strive to grow small businesses in the trades and the service industry with trust and legitimacy. In our blog, we share what we know about building an online presence, getting reviews, presenting your brand professionally, and more!

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