When you advertise, post to social media, or hand out a business card, prospects usually do one of two things. They either call you directly, which is actually becoming less and less common, or they access your website via Google or a direct link. What your website looks like is perceived by the end user as a direct representation of your brand, quality, and craftsmanship. If your website doesn’t impress and position you as an authority, you are going to lose out on potential business to competitors who have more impressive designs and visuals, even if their craftsmanship is not as good. You need a website that truly represents your branding, quality, and craftsmanship to encourage customers to want to do business with you.
It’s also essential that your website ranks well in SERPS, while their are a lot of off page SEO optimizations that can be done, saturating keywords and using the right copy to ensure your business is found on Google has quickly gone from a key diversifier for high end brands only to a very necessary part of local marketing for small businesses.
We combine top notch On-Page SEO with visually capturing web design in order to help you drive more calls and more consultations and estimates. Our team brings key expertise in blending keyword saturation and readable content, using colors and design to direct the users attention away from copy to videos, images, and social proof to create trust and authority for your brand and covert at a higher rate.
Whether your website is dated and needs a refresh, your creating your site for the first time, or your just not sure why your current solution isn’t driving traffic, our team can help. Schedule below today for a free website audit and a no cost no obligation evaluation today.
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